Great News At Last

Alford Valley Community Railway (AVCR) are delighted to announce that after much hard work and commitment by the Board and its associates, we have finalised the Lease between ourselves and Aberdeenshire Council and now have the keys to the Railway Station, Engine Shed and Railway Line. This is fantastic news and we can now start the hard work of physically bringing this much loved and treasured attraction back to life. We would like to extend our thanks to Aberdeenshire Council and Marr Area Office for their support during this long journey. We would like to express our appreciation for the support received from Grampian Transport Museum Trust, Alford Golf Club and Donside Community Council.

AVCR are also delighted to announce that we have a benefactor who has purchased the majority of Rolling Stock so we will be able to bring back to use Hamewith, The James Gordon and Carriages and in addition The Braw Lass is on permanent loan from a second benefactor. AVCR are extremely grateful to these individuals for their ongoing support.

Finally we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the community of Alford and the surrounding areas for their unshakable faith in the project.

To hear about future activities, events, membership, volunteering and information, please go to our Facebook Page or visit our news and get involved pages.